Yes we had ourselves a few lazy days in Tucson for a week or so. After a few hard winters of family emergencies we seemed to have accumulated non refundable (but changeable) airline tickets so here we are stuck with an encroaching expiration date. What shall we do? How about visiting my sister and family in Phoenix and then spend a long week by the pool at Lowe’s Ventana Canyon Resort. And, what the hey, as long as we are there let’s head on over to “Lazy Days” and check out a new rig or two!!
So, off we went and flew into Phoenix. I used to live in Phoenix and flew in and out of Sky Harbor on a regular basis. I have never seen baggage claim with no one there. Weird. Must have just been timing or something. Anyway, it was quite peaceful and pleasant so you’ve got to love that.

We spent a few nights with my sister and husband in Chandler and then headed off to Tucson for a romantic interlude!! We checked into the Lowe’s Ventana and spent the next few days lounging around the pool, sipping margaritas, dancing the night away, and just having a few of “those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer”! On Saturday night the resort was hosting a wedding. Quite a big event and a beautiful area out back for the ceremony. Later that night we climbed up to the Tower for a view of the city lights of Tucson and well, we ran into a couple from the wedding in a compromising position! Ahem…We quickly left them to their duties. We weren’t sure who was more embarrassed, us or them?
Speaking of lazy days, we decided to head over to Lazy Days one afternoon and check on some new rigs. It was hot, very hot. Not a single customer was there so we got some terrific customer service. I mean really, who wants to go inside bloody hot rigs in the summer! WE DO! We wanted to see a Tiffin Allegro Breeze 32′. Nope they didn’t have any in stock. Oh well, how about showing us some Airstreams. We had been tossing around the idea all last winter about maybe getting an Airstream and Lazy Days had quite a few so perfect time to check them out.

We took a tour of the RV park too. Not quite our style as it is your typical RV park in a city. But if you have to be right in Tucson for other reasons then it would be fine. Note – Even though it looks like we bought something we really didn’t. Maybe next time?
The next day we decided to head up to Oracle and have a tour of the Biosphere 2. I was living in Phoenix during the first closed mission of the Biosphere and was constantly seeing it in the news. I had wanted to go and visit but of course, I was way too busy working so I just never got around to it. This time we were going to go. We quite enjoyed our visit and even bought the book, “The Human Experiment”, and read it. Quite an interesting read and quite an interesting experiment albeit controversial.

We also stopped by Catalina State Park on our way back from Oracle to check out the campground. Of course, not many campers there in June. It looked like the sites were OK, kind of close together, but nice views. AND if you have to be in or near Tucson then we thought this would be the best option.
Our next adventure was a day at the Pima Air and Space Museum. We can never pass up an aviation museum. We spent the day there and enjoyed the displays and exhibits. We even took the bus ride around “The Boneyard”. Hot but interesting. AND you’ve got to love Dr. Strangelove!

Our last stop was a visit to Saguaro National Monument East. We had visited Saguaro National Monument West a few years ago so we thought we needed to balance things out. Hate to do West and not East, if you get my drift. Too hot for any major hiking but great to see nonetheless!

Then it was back to Phoenix and to say goodbye to family and hop on a plane. Until next time!
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