Ahh…Hank Snow and “I’ve Been Everywhere Man”. We can never come to this town without having to play that song!
(I was totin’ my pack along the dusty Winnemucca road
When along came a semi with a high and canvas covered load
“If you’re going to Winnemucca, Mack, with me you can ride”
So I climbed into the cab and then I settled down inside) – Geoff Mack
RV Park: Hi-Desert RV Park (KOA)
Location: Winnemucca, Nevada
Site: 61 (the first site at the entrance)
Cost: $29.23
Services: FHU
Comments: A short site but it did the job. The winds were quite high and we needed to hunker down.
Don’t miss the Flying Pig, now called The Pig, the best place for ribs!
Link to Map in “Where We’ve Been”

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