Denali State Park is to the east of Denali National Park and runs along the Parks Highway. It has a few campgrounds and a few trails heads and is beautiful. Many people bypass this park and head straight to the Denali National Park. If you do that then you will miss a wonderful state park. We stayed at Byers Campground. As you head north from Denali State Park Byers Campground there is a viewpoint and another campground called Denali State Park Viewpoint North Campground. Here you have a chance of viewing Mt. McKinley. Supposedly it is only visible about 30% of the time due to clouds. Below you can see our view of it when we stopped at the viewpoint.
Campground: Byers Campground
Location: Denali State Park – Alaska
Site: D3
Cost: $5
Services: Dry camp
Comments: Another beautiful campground in Alaska. The site was plenty big for 2 rigs and vehicles. Not a soul in the campground. Don’t get this one confused with Denali National Park which is further north.
Link to Map in “Where We’ve Been”

Yet when we went to Denali National Park we had a terrific view of Mt. McKinley!
A great sign with some great advice!

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